Friday, February 3, 2012

It's (facebook) Official - We are having a baby!

Week 17
Even though most of our family and friends have known for awhile (I can't keep my mouth shut sometimes) it is finally official. And by official, I mean Facebook Official. It's funny how this world of social networking has so dramatically changed when we believe something to be true. Physically it's been official since December 16th when we had our first doctors appointment and ultrasound. But it wasn't really real to me until we unleashed the news on facebook. I guess it's because I can finally talk about it to whomever I want. I don't have to think, "wait a second, did we tell this person yet?". I can just blurt out whatever baby related stuff comes to mind. Ahhh, the freedom of social media.

So anyway, the details -

We had our first doctors appointment at 10 weeks on December 16th. At that point I was still having a remarkably easy first trimester - no morning sickness. Just not sleeping (at all), pretty run down and absolutely no appetite. Except for Burger King Onion Rings. Those I could eat by the bucket. And considering how little I liked onions before, this was a pretty clear sign that something was up. Our first doctors appointment went really well, saw the baby and it's heartbeat on the ultrasound. Even got a cute little picture (NOTE: the resolution and composition are not up to my standards. You should never center the subject in the image. Come on.)
10 week ultrasound

I've flown 3 times since we found out we were expecting, so I have become very familiar with the TSA patdown procedure. It's not nearly as bad as everyone is making it out to be. So just get over yourselves.

And in case you noticed the name on the ultrasound picture, that is no longer my name...Ryan and I tied the knot on December 30th at 10:30 am. I am currently editing the pictures and will post some soon!

We had our second doctors appointment at week 14 on January 13th. Our doctor pronounced everything to be going well. My weight gain is on target and we heard the baby's heartbeat again with the doppler. I think it was somewhere in the 160's. She warned us that the "hunger monster" should be making an appearance soon, but I was skeptical. I still didn't have any appetite. Until last week (week 16). Now about every 2 hours I get so hungry I could eat my own arm off. Ryan has adapted quite well to this recent change. Whenever I say "I need something to eat RIGHT NOW", he immediately goes to the fridge or pantry and produces something edible. Do I have the best husband ever, or what??

I am doing a baby bump progression photo project with a neighbor who is 3 weeks ahead of me with her pregnancy. But this is her 3rd baby, so she is a pro at this pregnancy stuff! I'm still a nervous wreck. And I don't expect that will change anytime soon!
Baby bump at 14 weeks
Yes, it looks like I'm showing more than I should, but it's still mostly bloat and constipation. Oh, the joys of pregnancy. But this was the first week I could claim it was partly baby and not just a food baby!

Our next doctors appointment is coming up quickly and the official ultrasound shortly after that. We are NOT going to find out the baby's gender. Yell at Ryan if you are unhappy about this decision, it's all him. I know it makes me sound petty, but I don't want everything green and yellow. It would be nice to know for decorating purposes. We've painted the baby's room green so it can be reused for baby #2. We have gotten a few pieces of wall art and it looks like the theme will be turtles. While it's not quite gender neutral, I love turtles and I'm a girl so I figure it's ok if we have a girl. I've never been a big fan of standard gender lines anyway. Remember, I did give my nephew a barbie doll at his parent's superbowl party. (All he wanted that year for Christmas was a barbie doll and his father forbid anyone from giving him one. So I just waited for a more appropriate time...Yes, I am evil). We have picked out a girl and boy name, but we are not telling anyone what we have chosen. That one is my decision. And there is no point in yelling at me or telling me it's unfair. Suck it up, Aunt Jackie.


  1. Shelly this is a wonderful way for you to look back and remember each little bit of your 1st pregnancy. I have heard many pregnant people proclaim that they "don't remember" certain moments or things about their pregnancy so this will be a nice way for you to recall as well as share with little baby K someday!!! Looking foward to seeing how things progress!!
    -you might have just started something here, I am thinking of starting one myself :-)

    Love and Hugs!
    Jen, Rick and little baby "B"

  2. You really should start a blog! These blogger blogs are super easy to make and update! I am going to print out each entry, after awhile so comments can be printed as well, and put them into a scrapbook along with all the baby/congratulations cards, baby bump pictures and anything else related to pregnancy! I think it will be a great keepsake! Just the perfect thing to drag out around prom time in 16 or 17 years and show off :)
